Market survey for canteen services.


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23-03-2017 09:40 (GMT+01:00)


Patentstyret Patentstyret
Geir-Kristian Slydahl Geir-Kristian Slydahl
Pb. 8160 dep.
0033 Oslo
971 526 157

Kort beskrivelse

We would like to have a dialogue with the market as we are planning to procure canteen services. The starting point will be the attached competition documents from the previous procurement, but we would like feedback from the market with views on the competition documents and input for planning the competition. In particular, we would like feedback on the following topics; operational form, contract template, staffing and competence, apprentices, canteen subscriptions, social requirements, environment and organic food. We will hold an open tender and there will, therefore, be very limited possibilities to influence the contract once the procurement has been announced.

More detailed information and registration is via Mercell's competition tool. If you are not a subscriber to Mercell and would like to participate in the market dialogue, contact Geir-Kristian Slydahl via the provided email address.

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En del af Mercell, en af Europas ledende aktører inden for formidling af information mellem indkøber og leverandør på det professionelle marked. CVR nr. 25698851


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