Brøyting av diverse roder i Tromsø kommune Snow ploughing of various sections in Tromsø municipality.


Offentligt udbud
21-03-2017 09:34 (GMT+01:00)
19-04-2017 12:00


Tromsø Kommune Tromsø Kommune
Stig Arve Nordby Stig Arve Nordby
Rådhusgata 2
9299 Tromsø

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

Tromsø municipality shall enter into new contracts for snow clearing on municipal roads and outside areas by municipal buildings, and has, thus, announced an open tender competition.

The period is week 40/2017 — week 19/2018, with an option for a extension for 1+1+ 1+1 year.

For further details see the section descriptions and map, as well as annexes.

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