Digitising of the property records for Hamar kommune.


Offentligt udbud
01-03-2017 09:34 (GMT+01:00)
18-04-2017 12:00


Hamar kommune Hamar kommune
Tobias Rødsbakken Røe Stig Roger Andreassen
Postboks 4063
2306 Hamar
970 540 008

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The objective of the procurement is:

— Tidying up and digitising of the municipality's property, surveying and sanitation records.

— Establish a storage and management system for digitised historical documents.

— Scan other archive documents.

The estimated value of the procurement over the contract period: 5 000 000 — 7 000 000 NOK for Hamar kommune.

The Contracting Authority does not pledge a specified volume, as changes in the need, budget and procedures may affect the total volume.

A more detailed description of the procurement is in the requirement specification (Appendix A).

An agreement will be signed for up to 4 years with a mutual termination of 6 months.

Mercell A/S

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