Development of national math tests.


Offentligt udbud
21-02-2017 09:33 (GMT+01:00)
28-04-2017 12:00


Utdanningsdirektoratet Utdanningsdirektoratet
Mads Aure Mads Aure
Schweigaardsgate 15b
0135 Oslo

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Kort beskrivelse

National tests have been carried out annually since 2004 on approx. 180 000 pupils. The national tests in reading and math are carried out for the 5th, 8th, and 9th years. The national English tests are carried out for the 5th and 8th years.

The objective of national tests is to provide the school knowledge about the students' skills in reading, math and English. The information generated from the tests shall form a foundation for ongoing evaluations and quality development for all levels in the school system. The results can in certain cases also be used for research.

The Ministry of Education and Research has given the Directorate of Education responsibility for administering the test system in Norway. The Directorate enters into contracts for assignments for the development of tests with material with professional environments with competence in tests at national centres and university and university college environments.

For a more detailed description of the contract see point 3 — the requirement specification.

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