A 1-10 years school for 440 pupils, and a multi-purpose hall in Bjørnevatn, pre-qualification.


Begrænset udbud
21-02-2017 09:33 (GMT+01:00)
17-03-2017 13:00


Sør-Varanger kommune Sør-Varanger kommune
Ivar Kaski Ivar Kaski
Rådhusplassen 3
9900 Kirkenes

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

A new 1-10 years school for 440 pupils and a multi-purpose hall in Bjørnevatn, Sør-Varanger municipality, shall be designed and constructed. The contract also includes the demolition of the existing school in Bjørnevatn. Prequalification for a price and design contest with interaction.

Mercell A/S

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