Nursery School at Skredsvikmoen, turnkey contract.


Offentligt udbud
03-02-2017 09:43 (GMT+01:00)
15-03-2017 12:00


Modum kommune Modum kommune
Roy Pettersen Roy Pettersen
Rådhusveien 1
3370 Vikersund
970 491 589

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The competition concerns the erection of a nursery school at Skredsvikmoen in Modum kommune, with associated Traffic installations (changed access) and outdoor installations. The procurement shall be performed as a turnkey contract. In accordance with NS8407, with the changes included in the tender documentation.

The building shall be erected on a site in its natural state at Skredsvikmoen, west of Stalsberg school, Geithus. The nursery school is dimension for a total of 178 nursery school places, divided into seven departments, of which 3 are infants departments and 4 are departments for older children.

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