Wind Turbine Generator Quality Surveillance Services — Foundations and Towers.


Udbud med forhandling
27-01-2017 09:34 (GMT+01:00)
24-02-2017 09:00
21-02-2017 09:00


Vattenfall Europe Windkraft GmbH Vattenfall Europe Windkraft GmbH
Ron Sperber
Überseering 12
22297 Hamburg

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

This ‘Wind Turbine Generator Quality Surveillance Services — Foundations and Towers’ tender concerns the provision of qualified Quality Surveillance services on site at WTG tower and/or foundation fabrication, coating and outfitting facilities including:

— Monitoring and reporting any HSE issues,

— Reviewing and monitoring Manufacturer's documentation, staff qualifications and competency, processes, quality control activities and the end product,

— Using Employer's tracking system to report any deficiencies with respect to compliance with the Turbine Supply Contract and other relevant requirements.

— Using the Employer's component tracking system to report the status/progress of each component.

Quality Control at the manufacturer is not required, but rather the manufacturer's own QA/QM/QC shall be inspected and assessed.

The manufacturing facilities will be located within Europe, mostly northern Europe. On occasion, travel further afield may also be required. In exceptional cases inspections may also take place at other points in the execution process of the WTG supplier, e.g. pre-assembly, installation, completion, commissioning.

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