A framework agreement for the hire of project managers and project employees.


Offentligt udbud
15-12-2016 09:47 (GMT+01:00)
24-01-2017 12:00


Ruter As Ruter As
Benny Rytter-Johansen Benny Rytter-Johansen
Dronningens gate 40, Postboks 1030 Sentrum
0104 Oslo
991 609 407

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The framework agreement concerns the hire of project managers and administrative HR for projects where the involved participants are lacking suitable resources for management and/or administration services. The hired HR shall mainly work in the Contracting Authority's premises and co-ordinate works involving the Contracting Authority's organisation and resources, other suppliers and the Contracting Authority's joint venture partners.

Mercell A/S

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