Engineering design services for and the construction of respite care with a children's home in Skaarlia.


Offentligt udbud
30-11-2016 09:31 (GMT+01:00)
10-01-2017 10:00


Sandnes kommune (Sandnes municipality) Sandnes kommune (Sandnes municipality)
Sandnes Eiendomsselskap KF (Sandnes Property Company] Sandnes Eiendomsselskap KF (Sandnes Property Company]
Knut Haavardsholm
Postboks 450
4319 Sandnes

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

A decision was made in the town council's discussion of the finance plan for 2016-2019 to set aside resources for a respite care centre with a children's home. Up to 25 respite care and children's homes are included in the construction programme. The respite care centre must be planned with several minor units that all have the necessary functions. In this way, user groups with very different needs can have respite care at the same time and still be screened from each other. The programme houses the personnel facilities and administration together. In addition to the respite care units, the centre shall include premises for an activity department and communal functions/personnel section.

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