16/17191 - Power System Analysis Tool for the Nordic RSC


101 - Varer og tjenesteydelser
04-11-2016 08:44 (GMT+01:00)
16-11-2016 15:00 (GMT+01:00)


Energinet.dk Energinet.dk
Kirsten Ebstrup Kirsten Ebstrup
Tonne Kjærsvej 65
7000 Fredericia

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The Nordic RSC is established to foster operational coordination in the Nordic electricity system. The Nordic RSC is in the process of establishing its IT-solution supporting the ENTSO-E defined business processes, CGM, CSA, CCC, SMTA and OPC.

Prequalification application and initial tender

The procurement procedure is conducted as a negotiated tender procedure with prequalification.

The tenderer must include a prequalification application and initial signed tender according to specifications in the tender documents.

The Contracting Entity will prequalify three (3) applicants per lot who are evaluated as most qualified for the specific assignment. Only these applicants will have their tender evaluated.

The selection of the three (3) applicants per lot will be based on the submitted references, cf. Attachment 1 – Prequalification table. For further information please see Section 7 in the Tender Conditions

For the prequalification the applicant must via the EU-supply system submit the below stated within the deadline (16-11-2016, 15:00 Danish local time):

To be submitted for prequalification:

General information:

The Contracting Entity reserves the right to request missing information.

Technical capability:

The applicant must submit a reference list of the up to three (3) most significant comparable projects undertaken in the past two years according to appendix in the tender documents.

If one or more references are missing the requested information, and such cannot be requested as supplementary information, this may influence the prequalification evaluation process. If more than three (3) references are forwarded, only the first 3 will be included in the evaluation.

The Contracting Entity reserves the right to request missing information.

The Contracting Entity further reserves the right to contact the stated references.

Please note that all ”Minimum” requirements must be answered Yes or No in Appendix 1 - Requirements. Tenderers who are not accepting the “Minimum” requirements will have their tender rejected. A solemn declaration must be filled in and signed (Attachment 2 – tender conditions).

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