Turnkey contract — 240226 Ørland NAWSARH EBA.


Begrænset udbud
28-10-2016 09:43 (GMT+02:00)
02-12-2016 12:00


Forsvarsbygg [The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency] Forsvarsbygg [The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency]
Frank Nordheim
Postboks 405 Sentrum
0103 Oslo

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The Ministry of Justice and Public Security, c/o NAWSARH (Norwegian All Weather Search and Rescue Helicopter) has entered into a contract for the procurement of new rescue helicopters that shall replace the existing Sea King helicopters. The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency has been assigned to construct new base stations at Sola, Rygge, Florø, Ørland, Bodø and Banak.

Based on this, the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency requests applications for participation in a restricted tender contest without negotiations, involving an engineering, procurement and construction contract.

This request applies to the Banak base.

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