Framework agreement for securing work in tunnels.


Udbud med forhandling
26-10-2016 09:33 (GMT+02:00)
23-11-2016 12:00


Oslo kommune, Vann og Avløpsetaten (VAV) (Oslo municipality, The Agency for Water and Sewage Works) Oslo kommune, Vann og Avløpsetaten (VAV) (Oslo municipality, The Agency for Water and Sewage Works)
John Edward Lausund
Herslebs gate 5
0506 Oslo

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

Cracks and loose stones have been discovered in many of VAV's older tunnels and geologists have assessed that there is a need to secure the areas in question.

The overall need for VAV is operationally secure tunnels. There is a need for the securing measures described in the geology reports prepared for VAV.

The work must be carried out so that the areas in question have an acceptable safety standard suitable for VAV's operation of the installations. This need is acute for several of the tunnels and it is necessary that the work in securing them is maintained with a new framework agreement for VAV.

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