Specialised bridge maintenance Telemark and Vestfold 2017-2019.


Offentligt udbud
22-10-2016 09:34 (GMT+02:00)
30-11-2016 12:00


Statens vegvesen Region sør [the Norwegian Public Roads Administration Southern Region] Statens vegvesen Region sør [the Norwegian Public Roads Administration Southern Region]
Morten Henning Jensen
Postboks 723 Stoa
4808 Arendal

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The agreement includes systematically and periodically maintenance of 24 different bridges. 5 of these bridges are movable. The assignment therefore includes mainly works the contractor shall execute out on the bridges. There will also be some office work involved to document specialised bridge maintenance performed.

The contract period is 3 years with option for NPRA to extend the contract for 2 years. The same work is repeated each year. The contractor can submit monthly invoices for 1/36 of the 3 year contract value. The annual price can be adjusted upward once a year from the turn of the year 2017/2018. The prices can be adjusted in accordance with Chapter C3 point 8.

Few spare parts shall be included in this contract. However, sleeve bushing and Rigel bolts for balance bridges, etc. can be required. The following objects are included in the agreement:

The work shall be paid with a fixed amount for inspections and service in accordance with inspection routines stated in the Inspection and Maintenance manual. Other maintenance work added in the contract will be paid in accordance with the hourly rates for employees and machinery in the contractual documents chapter E4.

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