Unmanned Ground Vehicles.


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23-09-2016 10:25 (GMT+02:00)


Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization
Maria Boesen Maria Boesen
Lautrupbjerg 1-5
2750 Ballerup

Kort beskrivelse

The Danish Defence Acquistion and Logistics Organization (hereinafter referred to as DALO) plans to invite tenders for a Framework Agreement regarding acquisition of Unmanned Grounds Vehicles (UGV). By an UGV, DALO understands a system which consists of a moving platform with one or multiple sensors controlled by an HMI (Human Machine Interface). It shall be a small unit with a total weight less than 4 kilos that can withstand to be thrown and dropped multiple times, and can perform reconnaissance within short distances. It shall be portable by one dismounted soldier.

The contract notice is expected to be published within the forthcoming months. The purpose of this prior notice is to give the market expected time indications of the process in order to give potential contractors the best possible opportunity to prepare for a future tender.

It shall furthermore be stressed that all information provided in this prior notice is solely expectations and intentions and DALO cannot be held liable for any changes.

At this stage in the process DALO is anticipating the following timeframe:

2016 Q4: Expected publication of contract notice and prequalification

2017 January: Bidders conference.

2017 Q1: Test

2017 Q1-Q2: Evaluation of incoming bids

2017 Q2-Q3: Signing a Framework Agreement

2017 Q4: Delivery of equipment and services.

A test is expected to be conducted in Denmark. Pre-qualified candidates are currently expected to be able to make two systems available for test purpose.

DALO emphasizes that this prior notice is not a call for tender but is solely to provide the market with expected time indications for a possible future tender. Potential contractors are kindly made aware that aside from the information given in this notice no further information regarding the tender material, documents, conditions or the tender procedure is available prior to the publication of a contract notice. It shall furthermore be stressed that DALO reserves the right to make changes regarding all information provided without further notice on TED.

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