Tender invitation for analysing drinking water for municipalities in Oppland.


Offentligt udbud
22-09-2016 09:37 (GMT+02:00)
01-11-2016 13:00


Norconsult AS Norconsult AS
Lillehammer Lillehammer
Magnhild Føllesdal
Elvegata 19
2609 Lillehammer

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The Operational Assistance for Water and Sewage in Oppland, hereafter called DiO, would like, on behalf of 12 municipalities and 3 private waterworks, to get tenders for laboratory services for analysing samples of drinking water in accordance with the ‘Regulations on water supply and drinking water’ (the Drinking Water Regulations).

DiO is a member organisation, of which 25 municipalities in Oppland are members. DiO is run by Norconsult in Lillehammer.

The attached overview (annex 2) gives the estimated extent of the annual sample taking. The overview was prepared on the basis of the Drinking Water Regulations.

Contracts shall be signed with each participant in the competition and invoices shall be sent directly to the contract partner.

The maximum acceptable transport time for water samples is 24 hours, from when the sample is taken at the facility until the analysis starts at the laboratory. The municipalities need an estimated 4 hours for taking samples.

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