Frozen ground triaxial unit.


Udbud med forhandling
20-09-2016 09:42 (GMT+02:00)
30-09-2016 12:00


NTNU [The Norwegian University of Science and Technology] NTNU [The Norwegian University of Science and Technology]
Rehbar S. Rafique
Høgskoleringen 1
7034 Trondheim
974 767 880

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Kort beskrivelse

The Geotechnical group at the University is currently involved in a project with a focus on the mechanical behaviour of frozen ground. The most important part of the research is the theoretical component, but laboratory testing is always necessary. The Contracting Authority plans to purchase a frozen ground triaxial unit with a temperature controlling system. All parts of the equipment, including washer and electronic units must be able to function in negative temperatures.

See appendix 1 for further information.

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