Request for Information- Commissioned research- Responsible Gaming


21-09-2016 10:35 (GMT+02:00)


Norsk Tipping AS Norsk Tipping AS
Trond Willard Trond Trondsgård Willard
Postboks 4414 Bedriftssenteret
2325 Hamar

Kort beskrivelse

Norsk Tipping is considering a procurement of a commissioned research assignment related to responsible gaming. The assignment is planned to start at the end of 2016/beginning of 2017 and duration will most likely be up to 4 years. In connection with this Norsk Tipping is seeking information from scientific institutions/research institutes which could be potential cooperation partner for Norsk Tipping within this field. The main purpose is to obtain information about the market and if there are important aspects that could be considered in front of a tender.


Navn Størrelse
NT-0390-16-Request%20for%20information%20Commissioned%20research-responsible%20gaming.pdf 527 KB

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