Electric vehicles for Klepp kommune, purchase and leasing.


Offentligt udbud
19-08-2016 09:56 (GMT+02:00)
26-09-2016 12:00


Klepp kommune (Klepp municipality) Klepp kommune (Klepp municipality)
Bjørn Ove Olsen Moi
Solav. 1
4352 Kleppe

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The Contracting Authority wants tender offers on electric vehicles, both leasing and purchase, along with some additional services. It is about the use of electric vehicles, primarily for use in the home service. A more detailed description can be found in the requirement specification in point 4 of the tender documentation.

Mercell A/S

En del af Mercell, en af Europas ledende aktører inden for formidling af information mellem indkøber og leverandør på det professionelle marked. CVR nr. 25698851


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