74649 E2017 RH/RAD IN ARN PET/CT.


Offentligt udbud
16-06-2016 09:49 (GMT+02:00)
29-08-2016 12:00


Oslo Universitetssykehus HF [Oslo University Hospital] Oslo Universitetssykehus HF [Oslo University Hospital]
Åsa Torvund
Postboks 4950 Nydalen
0424 Oslo
993 467 049

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

Oslo University Hospital invites tenderers to a competition for the procurement of

2 PET/CT and contrast injector for ARN Rikshospitalet and Radiumhospitalet. Shall be suitable for examinations within all organ groups and patient categories. We would like to procure both a state-of-the-art PET and a state-of-the-art multi-detector CT for examinations of optimal quality.

Mercell A/S

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