74598 RH I Avd for patologi DESI QTOF MS Imaging system


18-04-2016 08:39 (GMT+02:00)


Oslo universitetssykehus HF Oslo universitetssykehus HF
Trine Kjellsen Trine Kjellsen
Postboks 4950 Nydalen
0424 Oslo
993 467 049


We intent to test a QTOF mass spectrometer with a DESI (Desorption Electrospray Ionization) source from Waters for lipidomics analytics of fresh frozen brain material as part of a complementary analytic process in parallel to the routine intraoperative diagnostics.


-feeding of a normal glass slide (cryoslide) as used in the department with freshly cut, frozen brain tissue (10-30µm thick)

-DESI source to feed evaporated tissue into mass spectrometer (exclusive rights of Waters to access Prosolias patented technique)

-The procedure should work in parallel to routine diagnostics, max. 15 minutes for whole analysis including preparation.

-The tissue should be used as is without any pre-treatment procedures or matrix applications.

Waters is the only company that has QTOF mass spectrometer with DESI source for for lipidomics analytics of fresh frozen brain material as part of a complementary analytic process in parallel to the routine intraoperative diagnostics.

Tittel: 74598 RH I Avd for patologi DESI QTOF MS Imaging system
Dato for kontraktstildeling: 25-04-2016
Kontaktpunkt for leverandøren som har blitt tildelt kontrakten:
Waters Nuf971069023, Forskningsparken, 0349 Gaustadalleen 21, NO, Telefon: +46 855511596.

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