Stavanger Airport Sola, New Domestic and International Arrivals Hall — Baggage Handling Systems.


Udbud med forhandling
06-04-2016 09:25 (GMT+02:00)
02-05-2016 12:00


OEC Gruppen as OEC Gruppen as
Harald Lindberg Harald Lindberg
Postboks 173
1366 Lysaker

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

Avinor AS at Stavanger Airport Sola, Norway shall extend the arrivals halls in the terminal building by approximately 5 600 m2, and extend the Baggage Handling Systems for arrivals baggage.

2 new arrivals carousels shall be installed. 4 unloading zones shall be equipped with new baggage feeding lines connecting to each of the arrivals carousels. In addition, the contract will include an option relating to modification and relocation of 2 additional existing carousels.

The contract shall comprise of complete supplies and installations for extension of the baggage handling system for arrivals baggage, including mechanical equipment and controls. Controls systems shall interface and fully integrate with existing SCADA system.

In terms of schedule, we expect the main milestones to be approximately as follows:

— Tender period: June 2016;

— Contract award: Medio August 2016;

— Site installation: Primo February 2017 — Primo May 2017.

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