Street lights, assistance with operation and maintenance — framework agreement.


Offentligt udbud
05-04-2016 09:35 (GMT+02:00)
11-05-2016 12:00


Viva IKS Viva IKS
Procurement Procurement
Roy Pettersen Roy Pettersen
Vebjørns vei 2
3414 Lierstranda
913 716 922

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The scope and purpose of the procurement.

The competition is for a framework agreement for assistance with the operation and maintenance of street light installations, as well as the replacement of fittings to LED fittings in accordance with the contracting authority's needs and specifications. Viva IKS is responsible for the operation and maintenance of street light installations in Lier, Røyken and Hurum municipalities. A separate coordinator in Viva IKS is responsible for receiving error messages and assessing what Viva IKS shall do itself and what shall be carried out by the framework agreement service provider. The framework agreement service provider will, after concrete orders are placed by the contracting authority, carry out the following, amongst other things: ordinary maintenance, group replacement of light sources, replacement of faulty fittings, troubleshooting, assembly of masts and foundations, installation of lighter cupboards, etc.

The contracting authority estimates that the volume of maintenance assignments will be approx. 2 000 000 NOK excluding VAT per annum. In addition there will be extra grants for replacing fittings with LED fittings. The volume for this is difficult to estimate, but the plan is to spend up to 5 000 000 NOK excluding VAT per annum in the framework agreement period for this. The stated volumes are only estimates and they are not binding for the contracting authority. The contracting authority has an option to procure contracts for new installations from the framework agreement service provider. Furthermore, the contracting authority has an option to procure assistance with mapping all the street lights in the contracting authority's area.

See part 2a, requirement specifications, for further information.

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