Unmanned Ground Vehicles


01 - Forhåndsmeddelelse
01-04-2016 10:39 (GMT+02:00)


Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse
Maria Højland Boesen Maria Højland Boesen
Lautrupbjerg 1
2750 Ballerup

Kort beskrivelse

The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (hereinafter referred to as DALO) plans to invite tenders for a Framework Agreement regarding acquisition of Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs), and is therefore looking for information on how to structure a possible future tender. The purpose of this request for information (RFI) is to understand how the best possible tender can be arranged both for DALO and the suppliers according to the EC regulation. It should be stressed that this notice is not a call for tenders and participation in the discussions will not be required for later prequalification.

By a UGV, DALO understands a system which consists of a moving platform with one or multiple sensors, a control station and slave monitors and the possibility to share the feed with other participants in existing tactical networks or via other means of wireless communication.

DALO envisions some of the following characteristics of the product:

A small unit with a total weight less than 4 kilos that can withstand to be thrown and dropped, and can perform reconnaissance within short distances. It shall be portable by one dismounted soldier.

The UGV will be used both outdoor and in buildings and shall have a Line Of Sight (LOS) radius outdoor of minimum 75 meters and indoor of no less than 25 meters. The sensors must in daylight and darkness (IR or thermal) identify personnel, equipment, vehicles and weapons at a distance of up to 50 meters from the sensor. The UGV shall be able to operate continuously for at least 45 minutes and shall be able to retransmit video and audio to 3rd party equipment. It shall be able to be operated in normal weather conditions and in climate, where Danish forces are likely to operate.

As part of the preparation DALO would like to invite potential contractors to a discussion for the purpose of gathering information to be used for the preparation of future tender documents. The discussions are currently expected to take place in the period from the date of dispatch of this notice until April/May 2016. DALO has for the discussion prepared a Request for Information questionnaire where potential contractors are asked to give their opinion on commercial and technical matters. The questionnaire shall be obtained and returned via Mercell.dk.   



Navn Størrelse
RFI questionnaire - UGV.docx 75 KB

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