Trondheim municipality — framework agreement independent inspections.


Offentligt udbud
17-03-2016 09:26 (GMT+01:00)
29-04-2016 15:30


Trondheim kommune [Trondheim municipality] Trondheim kommune [Trondheim municipality]
Trondheim kommune [Trondheim municipality] Trondheim kommune [Trondheim municipality]
Nina Skar
Postboks 2300 Sluppen
7004 Trondheim
942 110 464

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Kort beskrivelse

New regulations in the Planning and Building Act regarding independent inspections became effective in 1.1.2013. This means that builders are obliged to ensure that contracts are signed with a company who can carry out independent inspections within important and critical areas in a measure, cf. the Planning and Building Act § 24-1. A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 framework agreements will be signed after this competition, as long as the competition gives a basis for this.

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