15/10621 Laptop PCs and accompanying services for Hedmark county.


Offentligt udbud
04-02-2016 09:23 (GMT+01:00)
14-03-2016 12:00


Hedmark Fylkeskommune (Hedmark County) Hedmark Fylkeskommune (Hedmark County)
Stein-Erik Rønningen
Parkgata 64
2317 Hamar
942 116 217

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The county wishes to purchase approximately 2 300 laptop student PCs per annum. This figure is an estimate and will not be binding for orders placed during the framework agreement period. Tenders are wanted for a model of laptop PCs sized 13.x” — 14.x”.

In addition an option is wanted for approx. 105 tablets/hybrid PCs and approx. 60 laptop pupil PCs with higher performance (High-end PCs) per annum. These figures are included in the estimated total number.

The contract will be valid from its signing until 10.6.2017 with an option for a further 1 year. The contracting authority intends to enter into a contract in mid-April 2014. The contracting authority expects to place the main order in May/June 2016.

In addition the contract is for spare parts for 3 years (4 years if the contract is extended).

Before a decision is made on a contract extension, a meeting shall be held between the supplier and the contracting authority. Negotiations will take place in this meeting on which models and prices shall apply for the school year 2017-2018. New models shall have at least equivalent specifications as the offered models and they shall be at the same or a lower price than that offered in the price form. New models shall reflect technical developments. The contracting authority will decide whether the contract shall be extended or not after the meeting. The meeting between the supplier and the contracting authority shall be held during November 2016.

Call-offs on the framework agreement will be made by the contracting authority, possibly by each sixth form college.

The Contracting Authority uses Mercell Sourcing Service. To express your interest and gain access to any documents, please click on the link below or copy and paste the link into your browser. [http://permalink.mercell.com/56266179.aspx]. Then follow the instructions on the website.

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