Market Conference Framework Agreement for Maintenance, Supplementation and Administration of Software.


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22-08-2015 09:37 (GMT+02:00)


BTV Innkjøp BTV Innkjøp
Karl Petter Kristiansen Karl Petter Kristiansen
3020 Drammen

Kort beskrivelse

The Contracting Authority invites tenderers to attend a market conference regarding the future procurement ‘Framework Agreement for Maintenance, Supplementation and Administration of Software to BTV-samarbeidet (the BTV Co-Operation)’.

The conference will be held Friday, 4.9.2015 between 12:00 and 13:30. Meet at the County Building in Skien, Fylkesbakken 6, 3715 SKIEN. (The meeting room store, Breivann).

The agenda for the conference will be:

1. Briefing on BTV purchasing and the upcoming competitive tender,

2. Review and discussion of requirement specification and report on progress,

3. Information of Visma Tend sign (electronic tender management tool),

4. Any other business.

Registration for participation is to be sent to by Tuesday, 1.9.2015.

Mercell A/S

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