Establishment supervisor in Gran and Lunner.


Offentligt udbud
22-04-2015 10:16 (GMT+02:00)
27-05-2015 12:00


Gran kommune Gran kommune
Gunnar Haslerud Gunnar Haslerud
2770 Jaren

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

— Guiding first time establishers and small companies as regards grant schemes, business plans etc.

— Guiding establishers and small companies in tax and duty questions, environmental requirements, registration, legislation etc.

— Take the initiative with local authorities in order to improve dialogue between establishers and the public regulation and initiative apparatus.

— Establish good contact with the municipalities' administration, the county and Innovasjon Norge.

— Develop cooperation with Innvasjon Norge, the county and neighbouring regions on establisher courses, follow-up of establishers, network building, establisher forum, mentor schemes etc.

— Find cooperation partners and enter into cooperation with other actors that provide training or services for establishers/small companies.

— Be available, profiled and easy to get hold of as a supervisor.

— Establish contact with businesses, competence environments and potential establishers in the Oslo region in order to inform them of moving and establishment possibilities in Hadeland.

Mercell A/S

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