Wireless network and port security/dynamic awarding of VLAN for Gjøvik kommune, Pre-qualification.


Konkurrencepræget dialog
13-03-2015 04:34 (GMT+01:00)
20-04-2015 13:00


Anskaffelser Fellesenhet Gjøvikregionen (Procurement Common Unit for the Gjøvik region) — on behalf of Gjøvik kommune Anskaffelser Fellesenhet Gjøvikregionen (Procurement Common Unit for the Gjøvik region) — on behalf of Gjøvik kommune
Astrid Tømmerhoel
Gjøvik kommune
2810 Gjøvik

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The documents are a basis for pre-qualification of tenderers for delivery of new wireless network and automatic port recognition for Gjøvik kommune. The request is for equipment etc. including assistance.

The competition will be carried out as a restricted tender contest with prior pre-qualification (this notice). After implementation of this pre-qualification,there will be competitive dialogue about design, technical specification, price etc. as the basis for designing of the tender documentation and tender offer. After evaluating the eventual tender offers, Gjøvik kommune will enter into agreement with the winner of the competition.

The following progress is planned:

Stage 1 - Pre-qualification

Notice week 10, 2015.

Deadline for asking questions about the documentation: 7.4.2015.

Submission of pre-qualification: 20.4.2015

Notification of pre-qualification: May 2015.

Stage 2 — Competition with competitive dialogue

Start of the competition: May/June 2015

Any orientation meeting/site visit: May/June 2015

Separate meetings with the individual tenderers: May/June 2015

Holiday: July 2015

Submission of final tender: August/September 2015

Evaluation/Contract award: October 2015.

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