Acquisition of a High content microscope for Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine.


Tildeling af kontrakt uden forudgående offentliggørelse af en udbudsbekendtgørelse i Den Europæiske Unions Tidende
06-03-2015 04:34 (GMT+01:00)


University of Copenhagen University of Copenhagen
Jan Joensen Jan Joensen
Nørregade 10
1017 Copenhagen K


We intend to acquire a High Content Microscopy (HCM) equipment that allows the precise quantification of immunofluorescence cellular images in an automated manner. The use of HCM will greatly facilitate the analysis of genomic instability markers in cells and it will provide us with a resource to perform genetic and drug screening to identify new factors relevant to genome maintenance and suppression of human disease. In addition the HCM is also a conventional motorized wide field fluorescence microscope that can be used in a variety of applications on a regular basis. This will save the cost of a second microscope for simple fluorescence microscopy.

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