Messenger service post/packages.


Offentligt udbud
18-02-2015 04:37 (GMT+01:00)


Geir Strømland Geir Strømland
Postboks 8134 Forus
4069 Stavanger


The aim of the procurement is to sign a contract with a service provider who shall collect and bring post between the post box at Forus and the different departments/sites in IVAR IKS.

The contract shall ensure the collection of post at Forus on all working days at 8:00 and delivery to IVAR's departments and sites in accordance with the route plan specified in the tender documentation Part III — annex 1 requirement specifications. Outgoing post from IVAT's office at Mariero shall also be collected and delivered to the Post Office.

Section V: Award of contract

Contract No: 1

Lot No: 1 - Lot title: Messenger service post and packages

V.1) Date of contract award decision:


V.2) Information about offers

Number of offers received: 6

V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

ISS Facility Services914791723, Smeltedigelen 1, 0195 Oslo, NORWAY

Mercell A/S

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