Contract for user hardware (IT).


Offentligt udbud
14-05-2014 04:32 (GMT+02:00)
18-06-2014 12:00


Stavanger kommune964965226 Stavanger kommune964965226
Economy – procurement department Economy – procurement department
Emilia Tufto
Olav Kyrresgt 19, resepsjonen.1 etasje.
4005 Stavanger

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The Contracting Authority wants to use this competition to enter into contract for the purchase of user hardward. This includes the delivery of stationary PCs, laptop PCS, monitors, as well as associated equipment and other equipemnt that covers equivalent needs (See the specifications point 1.2 in the attached tender documents).

The equipment shall be ordered by and delivered to the municipality's central IT department (unless exceptions are otherwise agreed).The contract has an estimated value of approx. 15 000 000 NOK excluding VAT. The contract period is 1 year. The contracting authority expects that the contract will start 16.8.2014.

The estimated contract value is only of an informative character and the contracting authority is not bound by it. The volume can vary as a result of changes in, amongst other things, framework terms, needs, the market situation and political decisions.

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