Massespectrometric equipment.


Konkurrencepræget dialog
16-04-2014 04:37 (GMT+02:00)
09-05-2014 14:00


University of Oslo971035854 University of Oslo971035854
Øivind Martinsen
Postboks 1032, Blindern
0315 Oslo

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

Package 1:

— A High-Resolution, high mass accuracy mass spectrometer equipped with nano-ESI source for qualitative and quantitative analysis of peptides (bottom-up proteomics) through data-dependent MS2 acquisition. The unit should include a nano HPLC system that stands pressure of 800-1 000 bar (to be used with 25-50 cm long nano-LC columns). It should also offer a CID or HCD collision cell. Stationary PC and software for instrument control. Offer must include stationary PC and software for instrument control. Instrument must be fully warranted, warranty must include parts and labor.

Package 2:

The package consists of two instruments.

A) Nano HPLC system (complete system) coupled via nanospray to state-of-the-art triple quadrupole for ultra sensitive determination of drugs and peptides in biological samples via SRM/MRM analysis

B) u-HPLC (complete system) coupled to ion-trap (either 3D or 2D) mass spectrometry for robust MS and MSn analysis of drugs and peptides in biological samples.

Both packages need to include necessary PC, suitable software, necessary gas supply, installation, training, warranty and additional service.

Package 3:

A) High mass resolution, high mass accuracy and precision tandem mass spectrometer equipped with APCI/ESI/nano-ESI ion sources for quantitative and qualitative analyses of organic, organometallic, biological compounds. The unit should include a HPLC system and collision/reaction cell.

B) Medium mass resolution, medium mass accuracy (quadrupole, ion trap, TOF or similar) mass spectrometer with EI/CI ion sources for quantitative and qualitative analyses of organic, organometallic, biological compounds. The unit should include a GC system and inlet systems for gas, liquid and solid samples..

One single unit combining the specifications of A) and B) will also be of interest.

Both units need to include necessary PC, software, necessary gas supplies, installation, training and service.

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