Framework agreement. The music and literature branch in numbers.


Offentligt udbud
11-04-2014 04:34 (GMT+02:00)
14-05-2014 12:00


Norsk kulturråd971527412 Norsk kulturråd971527412
Jan Erik Sæther Ask
Postboks 8052 Dep
0031 Oslo

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Kort beskrivelse

Increased attention to art areas as a business has created a need for more knowledge of the extent and the economic value of the different culture branches in Norway. The music and literature branch both deal with art and the market. This project/assignment shall, at first, look at the market that the music and literature branch represents.

The ambition of the project is to calculate the economic value of the Norwegian music and literature branch, firstly for 2013. The export income shall be separated with a view to highlighting how much this is of the total turnover The figures from the mapping shall form a basis for seeing some general characteristics in the branches and to they shall provide knowledge of recent development characteristics. For example, how the digital market has grown and how the export is divided up. The aim is to establish annual branch statistics so as to be able to follow the branch's development in Norway over time.

The music and literature branch in numbers is the result of a cooperation between the Ministry of Culture and the Arts Council Norway. Both the enitities contribute financially to the implementation of the project, whilst the Arts Council Norway's Research and Development Section has been responsible for the ordering and professional follow up.

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