Upgrading Sveis to Public 360


Vejledende kundgøring
04-04-2014 04:35 (GMT+02:00)


Statens vegvesen Vegdirektoratet971032081 Statens vegvesen Vegdirektoratet971032081
Nina Mellem
Brynsengfaret 6A
0033 Oslo


The upgrading the existing case handling system «DocuLive» to «Public360» will be carried out in accordance with the procurement regulations (foa.) §§ 14-4 letter j/letter f. The work will mainly be carried out as an additional service to the existing maintenance contract for the current archive and case handling system. The upgraded programme will continue with the same licences and the same contractual obligations as stated in the existing contracts.

The upgrade will be carried out by the existing supplier Software Innovation.

The upgrade is being carried out because of new technology and legal requirements for electronic archive systems. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration cannot predict the current interest for this when the contract is signed, and these conditions make it strictly necessary to upgrade «DocuLive» to «Public360». In total the costs of the upgrade will make up a smaller percentage of the value of the original maintenance contract.

It will be a significant disadvantage for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration to hold an ordinary procurement procedure, instead of letting the existing supplier carry out this as an additional service. The preparation and implementation of such a process means that the Norwegian Public Roads Administration - a department with more than 6000 employees - would have to continue to use an out of date case handling and archive system for up to 2 new years. This would give the Norwegian Public Roads Administration both practical, financial and legal disadvantages.

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