New notice framework agreement construction contractor services locations Bergen/Os/Sogn og Fjordane.


Offentligt udbud
18-12-2013 04:38 (GMT+01:00)
27-01-2014 09:00


Forsvarsbygg Innkjøpstjenester Forsvarsbygg Innkjøpstjenester
Hanne Thomassen
6. divisjonsgate 12
9406 Harstad

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

Notice for a framework agreement for construction contractor services for the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency rental market area West location Bergen, Os and Sogn og Fjordane.

The services included are: Joinery, painting/floor laying and masonry/tiling.

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The awarding authority is using Mercell Sourcing Service for this tender process. In order to register your interest in this tender and get access to documents you have to click on the link below or copy and paste it into your internet browser. Then follow the instructions on the website.

Mercell A/S

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