OBE - On Board Equipment


Offentligt udbud
03-05-2014 04:26 (GMT+02:00)


Øresundsbro Konsortiet Øresundsbro Konsortiet
Martin Reinholtz Martin Reinholtz
Vester Søgade 10
1601 København V



The Øresundbro Consortium, hereinafter the Purchaser, hereby publishes an invitation in accordance with the attached tender documentation and the documents appended thereto, to submit tenders for OBE. OBE - On Board Equipment. An electronic device mounted in the vehicle enabling communication between the vehicle and the CP. As a minimum the component of the OBE always includes a DSRC interface.

Definitions are set forth in section Definitions.

Concise description of the scope

The Purchaser is the Øresundsbro Konsortiet (ØBK) who is in charge of the day to day operations of the Øresundsbron toll collection system situated at Lernacken on the Swedish side of the Øresund Bridge.

From a tolling perspective, Øresundsbro Konsortiet acts as a Toll Service Provider, in the sense that it issues its own OBE termed BroBizz. Also it acts as a Toll Charger, in the sense that it charges the motorists with a fee for using the Øresund Bridge.

ØBK is a member of the EasyGo foundation working towards seamless travels throughout the Scandinavian countries and Austria using this OBE as the common means of payment.

ØBK is now in the market for procurement of OBE based on international standards from a suitable Seller.

The exact number of OBE to be called off has not been finally decided but indicative figures are shown in the following:

It is expected that for 2014 the need for OBE will be apprx.20.000; for 2015 apprx. 70.000 and thereafter apprx. 60.000 per year.

The mission of the Seller

The mission of the Seller consists of the following:

- Deliver a design for EN15509-based OBE

- Deliver prototype OBE for verification and acceptance testing.

- Provide services and assistance to the Customer in the design and test phases for the OBE.

- Deliver prototype accessories, e.g. OBE fastening devices.

- Deliver a Test Reader.- Supply OBE to the Purchaser in accordance with Purchase Orders.

Objectives of the tender

- The Purchaser is looking for a party with great experience in designing and supplying OBE that will replace the existing OBE and also

relevant experience and knowledge to support the Purchaser in developing the best possible business operations.

- A new and modern OBE that will permit the Purchaser to offer motorists crossing on the bridge a state-of-art payment technology causing as little delay as possible in the payment area.

- Contribute to cost reductions for the Purchaser.

Procurement rules

The procurement in question is a procurement in Denmark and is subject to Danish procurement rules. Governmental Order number 937 of 16/09/2004 - Bekendtgørelse om fremgangsmåderne ved indgåelse af offentlige vareindkøbskontrakter, offentlige tjenesteydelseskontrakter og offentlige bygge- og anlægskontrakter. Tenderers may only be submitted in response to the tender documentation (RFQ).

An agreement will only be entered with one Tenderer.

Alternative tenders are not accepted.

Open procedure

Open procedure is a procurement where all Sellers may tender. Procurement form does not allow negotiation, so it is of great weight that all terms and conditions of this Request For Quotation (RFQ) are followed and that the best conditions are provided in the tender.

Tenders are submitted electronically via Opic www.tendsign.com.

Tenders received after bid closing or otherwise than by OPIC TendSign will not be evaluated by the Buyer.

Deadline for Tendering is 10/02/2014 23:59

Agreement form

The procurement comprises a framework agreement for the provision of OBE with necessary accessories. This framework agreement will last for two (2) years with options for two (2) extensions of one (1) year each. The procurement also comprises an initial call-off contract, which includes everything from OBE design to the optional commissioning of a OBE distribution system.

In addition to the initial call-off contract, the framework agreement is intended to cover the Purchasers future need of products and services for OBE throughout the agreements period of validity.

Expiration of the tender period

Tenders received after the expiration of the tender period will not be considered by the Purchaser. The final date for submission of tenders is 10/02/2014 23:59

Address for Tenders

A complete tender is submitted electronically via OPIC, www.tendsign.com.

Tender language

Tenders are submitted in English, Swedish, Norwegen or Danish, or in a combination of these languages.

Information and documentation

Requirements imposed, information requested, and questions are answered the intended places or, where not possible, with a clear reference to the relevant section of the tender documentation. The tender should contain the information set forth in the tender documentation and, where applicable, the appendices thereto.

Whereas the Scope of Work describes the Purchasers visions and expectations to the delivery the Requirements Specification concisely expresses the various requirements to the system. The Sellershallpresenthis proposalfollowing the table of contents structure of the Requirements Specification and additionally insert an answer for each major section expressing his understanding of the Purchasers intentions, objectives and expectations from each requirement.

The response to the Requirement shall outline how the Seller intends to fulfil the requirement and to what extent he considers his solution to be compliant to the requirement(s).The Seller should observe that requirements , marked in the tender documentation with an exclamation point in a red circle,are requirements that shall be fulfilled by the time of tender submission.

All other requirements are of a type that the Tenderer, by signing the Contract commits to deliver. Electronic appendices are primarily submitted in Portable Document Format (PDF). Microsoft Office 2003 or later versions are also accepted. Sellers may append brochures or other information. However, these may not replace responses in intended places (i.e. the response field in OPIC Tendsign).

Comments, information, and responses regarding information requested in the tender documentation are specified in the intended place, otherwise the Sellerwill risk that the information will not be considered or that the tender will be rejected in its entirety.

Sellers are encouraged to read the Purchasers text in the document sections preceding questions in order to understand what is being requested. If a Seller is uncertain as to what is being requested, the Seller is encouraged to make inquiries to the Purchaser.

Checking financial and economic standing

The Seller is presumed to have the financial strength, technical ability and experience necessary for the undertaking.

The Purchaser will use credit information suppliers (UC in Sweden and KOB/Experian in Denmark) to confirm that the Seller is in a sound and stable financial position or will obtain information that confirms the company's economic and financial standing in some other way.

The Seller is presumed to be ranked at least

Swedish companies

. Credit Rating 3, no applications for orders to pay a debt, no record of non-payment of debts or debts to enforcement authorities.

Danish companies

. Rating 50-100, No record of non-payment of debts

In the case of a credit rating below the minimum requirement, the Purchaser will make a case-by-case assessment of the company's credit worthiness on the basis of the specified requirements and the submitted data.

The confirmation of interest will be disqualified if the Seller cannot be deemed to have a sound financial and economic standing.

The same qualification requirement will apply to Sellers outside Sweden and Denmark. If the information cannot be obtained via the Purchasers credit information suppliers, the Purchaser will request equivalent certification from the Seller.

Necessary financial and economic standing

The Seller confirms that it has the financial and economic standing equivalent to the credit rating specified above and which is required for the object of the tender. The Purchaser may demand materials and, where appropriate, bank or public authority certification to confirm this.

The Seller has the ability and capacity necessary to be able to perform the undertakings included in the prospective framework agreement. This means, among other things, that the Sellers organisation has its own administration with employees or access to subcontractors.

The procurement does not stipulate the size of the Sellers organisation, but future agreements will not be limited to a personal undertaking for individual Contractors, so the Seller will need several people in each personnel category available for call-off contracts; these will either be employees within the Sellers own organisation or sourced via subcontractors.

The Seller presents a concise company description showing that the Seller has the necessary ability and capacity, primarily in terms of organisation, accessibility, and accessibility for call-off contracts/orders.

The Purchaser may eventually demand documentation and, where appropriate, bank certification or equivalent to confirm the ability and capacity mentioned.

Section V: Award of contract

Contract No: 1

Lot title: Norbit ITS AS

V.1) Date of contract award decision:


V.2) Information about offers

Number of offers received: 4

V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

Internet address: Norbit ITS AS, Stiklestadveien 1, 7041 Trondheim, http://www.norbit.com

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