Current measurements in Sørfjorden, Hardanger.


Offentligt udbud
10-12-2013 08:36 (GMT+01:00)
31-01-2014 14:00


County Governor of Hordaland, Department of Environmental affairs County Governor of Hordaland, Department of Environmental affairs
Silje Tingstad
Kaigaten 9, Postboks 7310
5020 Bergen

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The contract shall measure and describe the main current in Sørfjorden from Eitrheimsneset out to where it meets Hardanger fjord (Utne fjord). The contract shall give the clearest possible picture of the fjord current in the surface layer, middle layer and towards the bottom.

Attention is drawn to the fact that the budget for the assignment can be lower than what is necessary to give the optimal documentation of the actual conditions. We will therefore encourage tenderers to propose the best possible system for mapping the current in the fjord for the stated amount. The method that is presented in the specifications is meant as a guide. Good proposals for other methods, within the cost limit, will be considered.

See the attached specifications, annex 1 for further details. See point 3 in the tender documents for the requirements for service providers to submit a tender for the survey.

The awarding authority is using Mercell Sourcing Service for this tender process. In order to register your interest in this tender and get access to documents you have to click on the link below or copy and paste it into your internet browser. Then follow the instructions on the website.

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