Klim wind farm.


Udbud med forhandling
21-06-2014 04:40 (GMT+02:00)


Vattenfall Vindkraft A/S Vattenfall Vindkraft A/S
Vattenfall AB, Evenemangsgatan 13, 169 56 Solna, Sweden Vattenfall AB, Evenemangsgatan 13, 169 56 Solna, Sweden
Anna Bohman Anna Bohman
Exnersgade 2
6700 Esbjerg


The scope of the whole project is to replace thirty five 600 kW wind turbines (WTG) with twenty one new WTG and to build associated WTG foundations, roads and cables. The wind farm is located in Jammerbugt municipality in the north west of Jylland, Denmark. The Klim project is equipped with an irrevocable permit.

The contract comprises the design, transportation, installation, commissioning and maintenance of 21 wind turbines to Klim wind farm. The contract shall be governed under Danish law.

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