The high pressure/high temperature PVT system is for high precision PVT and phase equilibrium study up to extreme temperature and pressure conditions (up to 473 K and 1500 bar). The PVT cell in the system should be equipped with a motorized piston and a w


Tildeling af kontrakt uden forudgående offentliggørelse af en udbudsbekendtgørelse i Den Europæiske Unions Tidende
02-02-2013 04:09 (GMT+01:00)


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Lars Hansen Lars Hansen
Anker Engelunds Vej 1, Bygning 101A
2800 Kgs. Lyngby


The equipment will be purchased by Center for Energy Resources Engineering, Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark under the project "New Extreme Oil and Gas in the Danish North Sea/NextOil" as funded by the Danish National Advanced Technology Foundation. Maersk Oil and Gas and DONG Energy directly sponsored the purchase of the equipment under this project. The equipment will be used to investigate high pressure high temperature reservoir fluid properties.

Section V: Award of contract

V.1) Date of contract award decision:


V.2) Information about offers

Number of offers received: 1

V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

Internet address: Sanchez Technologies, ZA de l'Orme - BP 37, 95270 Viarmes, FRANCE,

Mercell A/S

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