Shallow drillings at the Jan Mayen ridge summer 2013 - (2).


Udbud med forhandling
13-10-2012 04:33 (GMT+02:00)
09-11-2012 12:00


Oljedirektoratet Oljedirektoratet
Kirsti Herredsvela
Postboks 600
4003 Stavanger

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

Summer 2013, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (OD), henceforth referred to as the Awarding Authority, plans to conduct core drilling at the Jan Mayen ridge (south of the island Jan Mayen) where the objective is to increase the knowledge of the geology in the area. The plan includes drilling of shallow holes (less than 200 m below the seabed at Jan Mayen). The Awarding Authority expects drilling of approx. 6 drilling holes with an operation period of 40 days.

The water depth in the area varies between approx. 550 and 1 800 m. The drilling locations are selected by the Awarding Authority’s geological professionals. The Awarding Authority requires an external scientific coordinator connected to the technical implementation of the drillings (selection of technical systems, participation in the drilling mission). The Awarding Authority uses Mercell Sourcing Service in this tender procedure. In order to register for participation in the tender contest and get access to the tender documents, please click on the link below or copy and paste the link in the net browser and follow the instruction given on the link:

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