Grinding and drying equipment for a biomass co-firing plant for wood chips.


Udbud med forhandling
04-01-2012 07:05 (GMT+01:00)


Vattenfall A/S Vattenfall A/S
Oldenborggade 25-31
7000 Fredericia


The supply includes design, manufacturing, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of a grinding plant for pre-grinding wood chips, a belt dryer with an evaporation capacity of approx. 24 000 kg/h for drying wood chips including related environmental plant for any subsequent processing of the air from the dryer plant, and a milling plant for fine-grinding of dried wood chips. The dried fine-grinded wood shall be delivered to the entrance of the co-firing plant.

The scope of supply includes an option to extend the capacity.

Simultaneous with this contract notice, contract notice of a wood chip transport and storage equipment, contract notice of a co-firing system for wood dust and contract notice for burner modifications is affected for an existing biomass co-firing plant located at Nordjyllandsværket in the city of Aalborg is affected.

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