NRK 2024/909 Digital Music Service & Asset Management (Phase 1)


eForm 16 Udbuds- eller koncessionsbekendtgørelse - standardordningen
Udbud med forhandling
14-11-2024 09:03 (GMT+01:00)
16-12-2024 12:00 (GMT+01:00)
16-12-2024 12:00 (GMT+01:00)


Norsk rikskringkasting AS Norsk rikskringkasting AS
Nils Arne Øygarden Nils Arne Øygarden
Bjørnstjerne Bjørnsons plass 1
Post: RC12, Boks 8500 Majorstuen, N-0340 Oslo, Norway

0340 OSLO

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation Ltd, subsequently named NRK, invites you to participate in a tender procedure for the procurement and implementation of a service for Digital Music Service & Asset Management.

Dette er prækvalifikationen til en 2 trins opgave, hvor du kan finde informationer og evt. filer på tilbudsfasen på dette link: NRK 2024/909 Digital Music Service & Asset Management (Phase 2)


Navn Størrelse
01. NRK 2024-909-RFP-Digital Music Service & Asset Management-Tender notice-READ ME FIRST.pdf 493 KB
02. NRK 2024-909-RFP-Digital Music Service & Asset Management-Tender Letter Template.docx 69 KB
03.NRK 2024-909-RFP-Digital Music Service & Asset Management-Reference Template.docx 71 KB
04. NRK 2024-909-RFP-Digital Music Service & Asset Management-Declaration of commitment (template).docx 32 KB
05. NRK 2024-909-RFP-Digital Music Service & Asset Management_ssa-l_General agreement.docx 147 KB
Appendix 01 - Customer's specification of requirements.docx 519 KB
Appendix 01. Attachment 1 - System requirement table 3.1.xlsx 31 KB
Appendix 02 - The Supplier’s description of the service.docx 519 KB
Appendix 02. Attachment 1 - System requirement table 3.1.xlsx 31 KB
Appendix 03 - Plan for the establishment phase.docx 365 KB
Appendix 04 - Service level with standardized damages and system operations.docx 389 KB
Appendix 05 - Administrative provisions.docx 360 KB
Appendix 06 - Total price and pricing provisions.docx 361 KB
Appendix 07 - Changes to the general contractual wording.docx 353 KB
Appendix 08 - Changes to the Agreement subsequent to the conclusion of the Agreement.docx 365 KB
Appendix 09 - Terms for the Customer’s access to and use of third-party deliverables.docx 365 KB
Appendix 10 - Contract performance clauses for safeguarding basic human rights.docx 84 KB
Appendix 11 - NRK Business Partner Code of Conduct v 1.1.pdf 85 KB
Appendix 12 - EU-Standard-Data Processing Agreement-DPA-18112022-1.docx 46 KB
Appendix 13 - EU-SCC-Data processing Addendum-Module-2.docx 49 KB
Appendix 14 - EU-SCC-Data processing Addendum-Module-3-18112022.docx 72 KB
Appendix 15 - Vendor Security Requirements.docx 64 KB

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