9219 - Purchase of bench-top maskless aligner with two different UV exposure wavelengths


12-07-2024 20:01 (GMT+02:00)
22-07-2024 12:00 (GMT+02:00)


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Kgs. Lyngby

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Kort beskrivelse

DTU is planning to purchase a maskless UV aligner from Heidelberg Instruments Mikrotechnik GmbH, which fulfills the following specifications: -Maskless UV aligner enabling UV exposure of photoresist on carrier substrates with a maximum size of 150 mm x 150 mm -Raster scan mode exposure at high speed with a wavelength of 365 nm relevant for thick film photoresists such as SU-8 with a resolution down to 1 µm -Vector mode exposure with a wavelength of 405 nm with a resolution down to 1 µm -Bench-top equipment, with footprint area below 1 m2 -x-y alignment to pre-existing structures with a precision of 1 µm -Pneumatic autofocus enabling exposure of photoresists deposited on transparent substrates Reasons for the Direct Award: The µMLA system from Heidelberg Instruments is a unique system that allows the illumination of photo resins on objects with a size of up to 150 mm x 150 mm with a resolution down to 1 µm. The unique thing about µMLA described here is that we get it delivered with 2 different UV wavelengths, 365 nm and 405 nm. It enables illumination of multi-material stacks with high precision and without the need for alignment when changing wavelength. We have been looking for such a system for several years and this is the first time we have identified any equipment that can meet our requirements while the machine is a bench-top system. As a special function, the system has the option of using pneumatic auto-focus, unlike optical auto-focus, it enables the illumination of resins deposited on transparent materials (glass/polymers).

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