24/00055 Marine seafloor platforms for the LoVe Ocean and OceanWind projects Trinn 2


17-06-2024 10:17 (GMT+02:00)
05-09-2024 12:00 (GMT+02:00)
26-08-2024 12:00 (GMT+02:00)


Havforskningsinstituttet Havforskningsinstituttet
Marte Bruun Teigland Marte Bruun Teigland
Postboks 1870 Nordnes

Kort beskrivelse

The Institute of Marine Research (Contracting Authority) has the intention of purchasing new autonomous nodes for LoVe Ocean Observatory project (LoVe Ocean) (https://loveocean.no/) and OceanWind (OW) project.
This tender covers the procurement of a total of 8 (+ 3 optional) modular stand-alone/ autonomous observing seafloor platforms with sensors. They are expected to be battery operated, but functionally and physically similar to existing nodes on the LoVe Ocean project (excluding protective trawl frames). These are described in section 3.3.1 below. The platforms are expected to be identical between the two projects, but initially differs in which sensors are required for the two projects.
For the LoVe Ocean project, 3 (+ 1 optional) platforms will replace the damaged infrastructure at the LoVe Ocean Observatory (LoVe Ocean).
For the OceanWind project (Ocean Wind), 5 (+2 optional) new platforms will be purchased for environmental monitoring of future offshore wind sites. These platforms and sensors must be interchangeable with the LoVe Ocean platforms and sensors.
In order to increase the robustness and flexibility of the platforms it is critical that the platforms have a modular and reusable design with minimal mixed functionality (meaning unnecessary interdependencies between components of the platform), relying on proven and industry standard solutions. Sensors and modules must be swappable between all platforms for both projects.
The platforms are assumed to be identical, but with potential differences on some sensors.
 See attached tender.

Dette er tilbudsfasen af en 2 trins opgave, hvor du kan finde informationer om prækalifikationen og evt. filer på dette link: 24/00055 Marine seafloor platforms for the LoVe Ocean and OceanWind projects- Trinn 1

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