Growth program for SME segment for SEB bank in Lithuania


12-10-2023 13:06 (GMT+02:00)
19-10-2023 15:00 (GMT+02:00)
18-10-2023 11:00 (GMT+02:00)
19-10-2023 15:00 (GMT+02:00)


SEB bankas AB SEB bankas AB
Vilma Čeponė Vilma Čeponė
Konstitucijos pr. 24
LT-08105 Vilnius

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is a Request for Proposal for  Growth program for SME segment for SEB bank in Lithuania.

SEB is an advisory bank, we help entrepreneurial minds to take their business to next level and encourage them for rapid growth, therefore we are looking  for a supplier who  would   prepare advisory  program with a different  activities for  our  SME  clients.

Key topic: the most effective ways of improving existing services/products.
Other relevant topics:
New product design
Business Model & Scaling: business model design for scalable growth
Management & Culture: innovation funnel, innovation culture
Partnerships and cooperation

All sessions and events can take place in SEB’s premises

More detailed  information   is in Documents

Answer to this Request for proposal is expected no later than 2023-10-19,  16:00.

Kilus techniniams Mercell sistemos klausimams kreiptis į klientų aptarnavimo vadybininką Vainių Danišauską, tel: +370 673 88676, el. paštas:

SEB appreciates in advance your effort in making a proposal.


Navn Størrelse
RFP description for 2023 GP autumn.doc 171 KB
Appendix 1_questionnaire_Growth program.xlsx 37 KB

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