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Bane Danmark planlægger et udbud i Q1 2024
Udbuds ID: BDK00298 Projektnr: 2023 - 16903 Sidst opdateret: Aug 30, 2023Projektnavn: Supplementary mechanized tamping and lining – framework agreementUdbudstidspunkt: Q1 2024CPV Kode: 50225000-8 Vedligeholdelse af jernbanesporUdbudsbeskrivelse:Banedanmark intends to tender out a framework agreement for minor, urgent, ad hoc tamping needs. The typical tamping tasks are e.g (road- and foot-) level crossings and class 4 faults. Some tasks can require road-rail capable tamping machines due to blocking track possessions, urgency etc. The framework agreement will enable quick so called “mini-tenders” for each specific tamping task. Banedanmark intends to set stringent but realistic environmental demand for e.g. exhaust emissions etc. Therefore, a quick RFI/market dialogue will precede the tender itself. Please see and answer the attached questions.
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