Zoning Dr. Dedichens vei 20 and others


02 - Udbudsbekendtgørelse
Offentligt udbud
25-07-2023 09:29 (GMT+02:00)
25-08-2023 13:00


Oslo kommune v/ Eiendoms- og byfornyelsesetaten Oslo kommune v/ Eiendoms- og byfornyelsesetaten
Ole Magnus Mostad
Christian Krohgs gate 16
0186 Oslo

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

In collaboration with PBE, EBY has prepared a Planning Programme with a guiding plan for public spaces (Norwegian: VPOR) for Trosterud and Haugerud. This was adopted in 2019, and is now being followed up with several rounds of detailed zoning, covering large parts of the planning programme area, under the direction of the municipality. Among other things, zoning of various sub-areas in the northern part of the area remains to be carried out. The purpose of the zoning plan work is to facilitate housing, expand daycare capacity and clarify the formal zoning of green areas. The remaining VPOR measures will be formally zoned and the land use of buildings and neighbouring outdoor areas will be clarified. Land use must be adapted to the location and must be able to be followed up in an economically realistic way in accordance with Oslo municipality's investment scheme. This will also clarify and categorise ownership and management responsibilities for municipal agencies.

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