Project 1004914 External Control Centre for Mail and Goods (Norwegian: EKPV) Procurement of K313 Scanner system for vehicles


Udbud med forhandling
07-07-2023 11:07 (GMT+02:00)
25-08-2023 12:00


Elisabeth Tangen Elisabeth Tangen
Biskop Gunnerus' gate 6
0103 OSLO

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

Statsbygg would like, in connection with project:

no.: 1004914,

Name: External Control Centre for Mail and Goods (Norwegian: EKPV)

to implement a qualification process for tenderers who may be interested in submitting tenders for:

K313 Scanner system for vehicles

KDD has given Statsbygg the task of establishing an external control centre for post and goods (EKPV) outside the centre of Oslo. EKPV is part of construction stage 1 in the project New Government Quarter (RKV) and is a security measure for the protection of the government quarter.

EKPV will be located at Lienga 4, in Nordre Follo municipality. EKPV, including a scanner system for vehicles, will be finalised in the second quarter of 2025.

A vehicle inspection hall with a vehicle scanner system will be established. The scanner system for vehicles is being procured by Statsbygg as a separate contract (this procurement). Statsbygg will contract a turnkey contractor for the engineering design and construction of the EKPV, including the vehicle hall, as a separate contract (K210).

The delivery of the Scanner System for Vehicles will include rigging, delivery, transport, installation, commissioning, training and a trial operation period, as well as service and maintenance during the trial operation period, the warranty period and for 10 years thereafter (totalling 12 years).

Users of EKPV are the Norwegian Government Security and Service Organisation [Departementenes sikkerhets- og serviceorganisasjon (DSS)], and Statsbygg will operate the property. DSS will enter into the agreement between Statsbygg and the tenderer of K313, and take over Statsbygg's rights and obligations under the agreement. DSS will most likely enter into the agreement after taking over the scanner system for vehicles. Service and maintenance will be initiated after an approved Function Test. That is, from the start of the trial period.

The procurement is covered by the Regulations on Defence and Security Procurements (FOR-2013-10-04-1185), as the assignment will result in the tenderer's personnel gaining access to sensitive information, cf. the National Security act (LOV-2018-06-01-24) Security Act) § 9-1. The procurement will therefore fall under the definition of "security-graded procurement", and the party with which Statsbygg enters into a contract will be covered by the provisions of the Security Act. In the contest for K 313 - scanner system for vehicles, the tender documentation will not be security-graded. Security-graded information will only be made available to the tenderer after the contract is signed and when the necessary security clearances and authorisations are in place. In the execution of contract K313, there will be several safety regulations that the tenderer must comply with. Statsbygg will specify in the invitation to tender which safety regulations will be relevant for K313. See also the requirements for security clearance etc. in the qualification documentation, point 1.3.5.

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