Year planner


01 - Forhåndsmeddelelse
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22-02-2023 09:18 (GMT+01:00)


Narvik kommune Narvik kommune
Tim Skau
Postboks 64
8501 Narvik

Kort beskrivelse

Narvik Municipality would like to find out about existing software for year planners that can see to all parts of the municipality's organisation, both administration, education and nurseries, and health and care services. Narvik Municipality would like to find out about existing software for year planners that can see to all parts of the municipality's organisation, both administration, education and nurseries, and health and care services. Preferably with the possibility to follow the calendar year or the school year. It ought to be possible to integrate it with Google Workspace or MS 365. The system must be a cloud service and internet based/web. We would like information from suppliers of year planners and would like to receive product information. If any are of interest, we will follow them up. Interested parties are asked to make contact within two weeks of this notice being published.

Mercell A/S

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