Administration services for EU-project CAIDX, Clinical Artificial Intelligence-based Diagnostics


01 - Forhåndsmeddelelse
Begrænset udbud
06-01-2023 10:05 (GMT+01:00)
13-01-2023 14:00


Region Nordjylland Region Nordjylland
Monica Recabarren
Niels Bohrs Vej 30
9220 Aalborg Øst

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The Innovation unit of North Denmark Region – Idéklinikken – is the Lead Partner in a new Interreg (Baltic Sea Region) project in the Region of The Baltic Sea – CAIDX, Clinical Artificial Intelligence-based Diagnostics. In total, 12 partners, from six different countries, are attending the project. The consortium behind CAIDX will focus on how to participate and accompany a cultural change in the healthcare sector and how to prepare adoption and implementation of AI solutions for medical purpose. The Lead Partner (Idéklinikken) intends to enter into a contract with a consultant regarding a number of administrative tasks in the CAIDX project. The tasks are further described in appendix 1 and 3, Requirements Specification with appendices and draft Consultancy Agreement, which can be obtained from the address stated in section I.1)

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